Jeff and Malia Walker
We've Got News!
It's been quite a hot and humid summer in Kawasaki! We are mostly settled into our new home now, and learning how to get that humidity out of the air. The kids are home for their summer break and having fun.
And we have big family news to share--we are expecting a new member of the family! That's right, we're expecting baby #3, a boy who is due in early December! We're excited to share this news with you! And the kids are, well, mostly excited about their new little brother.
Malia had a rough first trimester, which pretty much coincided with our first months in Japan. Needless to say, this has made for a rougher-than-anticipated transition. Especially for Malia, this has meant needing to delay starting her formal Japanese learning, though she is doing great with self-study at the moment! Jeff, who normally doesn't cook hardly at all, had to step up and do most of the cooking, shopping, and taking the kids to and from school. He doesn't want to stop helping out with the cooking, but since Malia has been feeling mostly better in July onwards, she has taken back most of the cooking duties. Jeff definitely appreciates the help! We're very thankful that Malia is feeling mostly like herself again. Momma and baby are both healthy and doing great! Praise God!
This isn't quite how we imagined our first year in Japan going, but we know God has blessed us with this gift of another child, and He knows what He is doing! We know this baby will be a joy and a blessing to our family and those around us. And he'll speak much better Japanese than we will! So whether we're ready or not, a new little one will be joining our family in December!
Praise God for the blessing of a baby, for a healthy pregnancy for Malia and baby, and that Malia has felt so much better since July!
Praise God that Jeff's transition to in-person, full-time Japanese class is going well.
Praise God that we've been able to meet some of our neighbors already and introduce ourselves.
Please pray for the rest of Malia's pregnancy, that she and baby would continue to be healthy, and for the delivery in Japan (where Jeff likely will not be allowed to accompany Malia).
Please pray for continued connections and conversations with our neighbors.
We have begun to look for a car. Please pray for a smooth and quick process in car shopping, and for obtaining a Japan driver's license.
Please continue to pray for our whole family's language learning.
Our team of missionaries meeting with Denen Grace Church's core group. We pray for more conversations and good teamwork for the ministry ahead!
Shopping at Ikea // Enjoying a cold treat on a hot day
Playing soccer with local kids // Summer sleepover in the bunk bed
We would love to hear from you, whether it be to share your prayer requests or to simply catch up. Please know that we think of you and pray for you often.
Thanks and blessings,
The Walkers
Jeff, Malia, Mason & Kaili