Jeff and Malia Walker
He Is Risen!
Updated: Apr 30, 2023
He is risen indeed! It was wonderful to celebrate Easter this past weekend at Denen Grace Church's Azamino and Mizonokuchi chapels, complete with Easter egg hunt for the kids. It was a great opportunity for non-believers to visit and hear the gospel message. This is the Good News that Japan so desparately needs to hear! This is why Jesus came! Like the women who first heard this good news from the angel at the tomb that first Easter morning, we want to see people in Japan filled with joy!
The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.” So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Matthew 28:5-8
A woman got baptized during the Easter Sunday service at Denen as well--hallelujah! Baptisms don't happen very often in Japan, so this was a big celebration! She shared her testimony, which was a powerful witness for fellow Christians and visiting non-believers alike. We pray for her continued faith journey, and for us to be able to see many more put their hope in Jesus!
Praise God for a great weekend of Easter services at Denen Grace Church's Azamino and Mizonokuchi chapels, including the baptism!
Praise God that Mason and Kaili's 3-night school camp during spring break went well! It was in Nagano, a 5-hour drive away from Jeff and Malia in Kawasaki. They had a blast with their classmates and teachers playing games, doing crafts, making friends, singing worship, and learning about Jesus.
We're thankful for friends who have been able to visit Japan recently, for getting the chance to see them and for the things from the States they have graceously brought to Japan for us.
After some regression around 4 months, Elijah is now sleeping better during nighttime! Praise God for his health as he nears 5 months old!
Please pray for unity and clear communication for our Cross Project team members as we work together for the Japanese people.
Please pray for our Japan mission-wide retreat in a couple weeks, which will be near Mount Fuji, including for the logistics, travel, and for rest, renewal, and fellowship.
Please pray for continued developing and deepening of relationships with Japanese people around us, and for openness to spiritual conversations.
Please pray for our financial support. During our first year on the field, we've had some attrition in support (including a bit of inflation in our budget) leaving us $1750 short of our monthly expenses. If you are giving financially (thank you!), we ask that you please check WorldVenture's Giving Portal to ensure your information is up-to-date and that nothing has lapsed unintentionally.
Malia (and Elijah) singing in the choir on Easter Sunday
Malia helping with children's ministry for Easter // Jeff praying (in Japanese!) for Azamino Chapel's Easter service // Our three sweethearts
Happy Birthday Momma! // First day of school! (2nd and 4th grades) // Elijah playing around
Kaili and Mason after their 3-night school camp // Soccer and cherry blossoms
We would love to hear from you, whether it be to share your prayer requests or to simply catch up. Please know that we think of you and pray for you often.
Thanks and blessings,
The Walkers
Jeff, Malia, Mason, Kaili, and Elijah